Ethos Eye Health Your NewYear Resolution

As we head into another year, many of you will be making New Year resolutions, small changes to your daily life that will give you a healthier eyes, body and mind. Are you thinking of learning to drive, eat healthy or exercise a bit more this year? Why not consider making eye health your new year’s resolution. As one of the most valuable parts of the body and with common eye diseases on the rise, now is the perfect time to start keeping your eyes healthy whilst using Ethos NAC Bright Eyes Drops! We’ve put together a list together of easy ways to maximise your eye health to help you get started…
1.First on our list is to get regular eye exams from a professional ophthalmologist or ask your questions and concerns too one of our Ethos visionary experts. Everyone eyes are different and change as we age.An eye exam is the only way to really understand your eyes condition and needs. Not only do eye tests help determine if you need glasses and address your eye care worries and concerns to help your eyesight. Having an eye check up is often the only way to detect eye disease early on. Diseases such as glaucoma have no symptoms or pain so the sufferer often doesn’t realise until it’s very developed and hard to cure. Ethos bright eyes drops for glaucoma have a great success rate and have proved in clinical trials to actually rejuvenate cells and repair damage at a cellular level. Having an eye exam ensures that if you do develop an eye problem or disease, it can be diagnosed as early as possible and when it is easier to cure with the miracle agent N-Acetyl-Carnosine . Chronic diseases can also be diagnosed from testing the eyes such as diabetes. You should aim for an eye exam every 10-12 months however if you do have an eye disease or other eye issue using a 6-8 week course of Bright Eyes drops could be the answer to healthier eyes. You should be going to the optician every 6 months to monitor your progress, and testing your own vision daily with simple tests.
2.Next on our list is to try and protect your eyes from blue light. Society has changed in the last decade meaning that electronic devices are now a part of daily life. Phones, computers, televisions and a number of other items are used for hours every day. All digital screens (Computer Vision Syndrome) cause the eye to be strained, so using them for long periods of time can cause a number of problems (Chronic Eye Strain). Not only can the strain cause the eyes to become dry (Dry Eye Syndrome) and irritated it can also cause more serious issues including headaches, blurred vision and our vision to become short sighted. In order to help prevent this make sure you take breaks from the screen, every 20 minutes try and take a small break of even just 30 seconds. Make sure to break up the time you are on the electronic surfaces by looking at things far away such as the view, the other side of the room or anything far away to help your eyes readjust from looking at a close up screen. This will prevent your eyes from being permanently damaged although it’s best to avoid these screens whenever possible for maximum eye health.
3.Don’t smoke is our next tip. If you don’t smoke already then just make sure not to start, if you do smoke then along with other health risks linked to smoking, you are also damaging your eyes. Research has shown that smoking increases your chances of developing many of the major eye diseases that cause loss of sight including cataracts, macular degeneration and optic nerve damage.
Genuine Bright Eyes NAC Cataract Drops will repair any damage to your eyes if you have or are a smoker.
4.Our fourth tip is to maintain a healthy weight. Many health issues are related to being overweight and if you are obese then your chances of developing problems such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease and having a stroke. It also increases chances of diabetes which a direct consequence of, is eye problems including cataracts. By keeping to healthy weight and BMI your chances are drastically reduced. Ethos L-Carnosine daily supplement is strong antioxidant that has dramatic results on many health conditions by providing food for the brain and body and slowing down the ageing process with a healthy diet and eyes
5.Lastly on our list is diet. Many foods are rich in vitamins and minerals that are incredibly beneficial to the body. However many foods have beneficially properties that directly effect the eye. Vegetables such as carrots and dark leafy greens including collard greens, spinach and kale are all full of folic acid, vitamin C, potassium and magnesium as well as being a healthy source of fibre. Foods rich in lutein and zeaxanthin are also known for improving eye quality. These nutrients can be found in foods such as eggs, broccoli, zucchini, garden peas and brussel sprouts. Ethos Ethozyme is an all natural enzyme health supplement and all-purpose formula to greatly enhance health & wellbeing and fight eye disease.
So now you have Ethos Schweitz LLC top 5 tips to make 2017 the best year for your eyes. By making these small changes to your lifestyle and using ethos eye drops you will improve your life, eyes and health. Happy New year