Eyes a Window to your World

Shakespeare told us all those years ago that eyes are the windows to the soul. We are told that the eyes can tell what someone is feeling. How many times have you heard about ‘’loving eyes’’, or eyes ‘’looking lovingly?’’ Whether that is real or imagined, we all believe that eyes are expressive. When you hear about an expression conveyed in a face, it is the eyes that go along with the smile or grimace.
It applies to pets just as much as it does to humans. In every case, it would be impossible to under-estimate the value of eyes, and the vision they enable. Healthy eyes offer so much and as owners of pets, we bear the responsibility to look after their welfare.
Both humans and animals tend to find their eyesight deteriorates with age. It need not be too significant. Humans can switch to glasses or contact lenses to help while animals develop excellent instincts and are generally well aware of their surroundings. Sometimes, eye diseases strike pets at an early age and that is why owners should always act if they sense that something is wrong. In terms of eyes, that is a visit to a vet and a series of tests that can be done to diagnose any issue.
Just as you can sometimes get something in your eye, so get your pets. Active dogs off the leash can sometimes catch a stray branch or get dust and other kinds of debris as they run. Perhaps they can even get something in their eyes as they stick their heads out of a car window? Even what appears to be harmless play fighting between two dogs can result in an eye being accidentally scratched.
These are everyday ordinally events which can occur without your noticing. It is a reason why you should regularly check on your dog’s ‘’window on the world’’ and take action if you find anything amiss. There are several things that you can look out for even if you are not examining their eyes closely. They may squint or seemingly have an eyelid closed. Perhaps they are scratching or there seems to be a discharge from the eye? If they bump into something, then there is definitely something wrong.
There are other everyday things you can do, or at least some regular things to help your pet with vision. There are naturally formulated Ethosheaven Eyedrops that will help keep their eyes lubricated and clean. It involves a simple application to both eyes which takes seconds and is perfectly safe. Good eyedrops are available on such well-known websites as eBay for very little money. It is just something extra that you can do for your pets as well as providing them with a nutritional diet.
If you have a pet dog for many years and it lives a long and happy life, you will be rewarded by that loving look for all those years. A time to treasure!