Customer Testimonials

Shown here are some testimonials Ethos Heaven have received from customers using our products.

Eleanor White - USA

At First my eyes started to blur just over 6 months ago now and my eyes are extremely sensitive to car headlights, I figured something was wrong and went to the optometrist about my eyes and he said I was in a very early stage of developing cataracts. I really didn't like the sound of surgery and NEEDED another option... Ethos Heaven gave me that! I ordered some bright eye cataract drops and hoped the for the best.

After using the drops for 4 weeks, the progress my eyes have made is crazy! The strain on my eyes isn't as bad and I think if I carry on with the course it will make a huge difference to not only my eyes but my life too.

Gary Scorah - Scotland, Ayr

When I really started struggling with reading and as I'm 60 I know what that can mean. AMD... I was diagnosed with AMD and needed some support and advice. I started searching online and found Ethos Heaven and there very helpful team. They pointed me in the right direction (what course to complete with their natural products). I have ordered bright eye drops for AMD and will update you with my results in a few weeks. Thanks ethos for being so supportive.

Mary Blackhead

It was a pain constantly going to the hospital and opticians about my eyes and the glaucoma really started to get me down after a while, I'm 62 and I really didn't need the stress of it all. Ethos Heaven was suggested to me by one of my closest friends and I trusted her, so decided to give 'Bright Eye Drops for Glaucoma' a chance. I waited a few weeks and to my surprise, I DID notice a massive change in my vision and I didn't have to attend as many hospital appointments. It really cleared up!

Give Ethos Heaven a chance, they're amazing and helpful.

Mrs J. Mewse - Nottingham UK (March 2016)

Ethos Schweitz LLC Bright Eyes N-Acetyl-L-Carnosine Cataract Drops.

I was forced to take a look at other alternative treatments for my cataract because they are not considering an operation because my other eye is a 'lazy eye'. I read on line about the good reports about Ethos Cataract eye drops so decided to give it a go. I also have a friend who had a cataract operation and this went wrong. My orders have been sent immediately and with great consideration. They are packed very well. I feel I am improving although not tested to see if this was so but certainly not worse, so I will go the full mile.

All people I have dealt with whilst ordering have been kind and understanding and dealt with me and my order very efficiently. I had a follow up phone call too to see if I was happy with my drops a few weeks ago which was good. They do not sting and I feel my eyes are healthier by using them ,so am hoping the good progress continues.

Brenda.Vanbovene (December 2015)

It's with absolute pleasure that I put down a few words about my experience with your company Ethosheaven. On purchasing the eye drops for my little dog who had been diagnosed with cataracts in her eyes. Her one eye was worse than the other and I was told that she only had shadow vision in it. I researched more about cataracts in dogs eyes and found your web site and I first enquired from my vet as to whether I would be able to use these drops for my girl, and I was advised that It would be in order to do so.

I placed my order and I treated both eyes with the product for 2 and a half weeks and it was then that I noticed the redness of the one eye, but the other was perfect, from the warning instructions that come with the eye drops it advised that I should stop and seek help, which I did, and I was then told that the eye seemed to have developed glaucoma.. and from there I was given so many eye drops and

Antibiotics but sadly it was suggested that I should have the eye removed. in all the time I was going through this experience I was in constant contact with Ethoshaven, and I found t hem to be absolutely encouraging and behind me all the way, it was a hard decision but the right one as it was discovered that my little girl of 10 1/2 years old had a tumor in her eye, I feel that if I had not taken these steps to try and prevent the cataract worsening, I would have lost my little girl to a burst tumour and she would have really suffered badly, I personally don't believe in fate, I believe that it was meant to be that I was so on hand with the eye and we found out the problem before we lost Bonny.

Your company was so helpful and they offered to refund for the eye drops that I had not used. I cant say thank you enough for your help and your support.

Bruno Vincenzo Rosselli (Caorle, Italy - September 2015)

I have been using the eye drops in my Ben my old Collie's eyes for nearly 5 months now and his eyes has improved massively. We suspected he was completely blinded from the cataracts due to Diabetes - I would say his vision in one eye thanks to Ethos eye drops has improved 50% - But one eye is still totally blind Hopefully in due course it may get some sight.

Vanita Triantou (Athens - Greece (September 2015)

My Cats eyes did look brand new! They used to be very cloudy but that is starting to disappear and was finally able to see her beautiful brown eyes come through and the blue circle also started to dissolve, But alias she was 23 years old and recently died from liver failure. I had just purchased another 3 boxes the day before she passed away - Ethosheaven was so kind to refund me when I returned the boxes of drops without any fees.

Carol James (Melbourne, Australia - August 2015)

I've been using Ethoseye site eye drops on my elderly Black Russian Terrier for a month now and I can already tell a difference. Before when I used to walk him he used to bump into everything and felt his way around instead of walking normally. After keeping his hair from his eyes, protecting her vision from the sun I can now take him out for a walk his walking is back to normal and movement around the house is not so clumsy.

Linda (April 2015 - United Kingdom)

I recently bought from Ethosheaven Bright Eyes Drops for Cataracts for Pets product from you. I used for drops for just one week on my old dog. She had zero sight at the start and one week later her head followed me around the room, proof that they had actually started working, truly amazing. Unfortunately my dog had to be pts as she was very old and unwell.

H. Long from China (October 2014)

About one year ago, I've bought some of Ethos Bright Eyes Drops for my mother, because since 2002 she had been suffering from glaucoma that followed also with cataract and syndrome of high intraocular pressure, due to that fact she suffered her first operation in 2002. Even so her eyes still got worse in the following years, some times after waking up she felt there was something like curtain stayed in her eye and made her vision blurred, she even lost her vision of right eye in 2012.

My mother told me, after using your eyes drops, about 5-6 times everyday, her left eye is sharper and clearer than before, and she felt also comfortable every time after using drops. Although the syndrome of acute high intraocular pressure occurring again in june 2014,her doctor must perform another operation for her left eye. But my mother said that that eyes drops worked very well during the whole healing process and provided her a lot of comfort. Up to now her vision of left eye is raising gradually from 0.1 to 0.3 and we hope it would be even better. So we appreciate it very much and we hope that your excellent products could help more people in the future.

Carmen Davis - Kitsap County USA (May 2014)

Prior to using BRIGHT EYES DROPS FOR CATARACTS, I saw hazy translucent-like white spots going across my line of vision and these spots seemed to get bigger with time. I finally went to see an ophthalmologist and he tried to convince me to have these cataracts surgically removed. That would have cost my insurance company $5000 per eye. I did not like the idea of invasive surgery, so I did a thorough search of the internet and found your company:


Upon receiving my order, I immediately began applying 2 drops of BRIGHT EYES in each eye 2-3 times every day. Each time I would apply these drops, I would keep my eyes closed for a couple minutes afterwards. It was about the 4th week, I believe, that the cataracts gradually started to disappear from my line of vision. Even after finishing up with the drops, the cataracts continued to fade and it was by the end of the 2nd month that I noticed there was no trace of cataracts. It was just in the last few weeks of this month (May 2014), I started to notice a cataract in its early stages in each eye. So that was when I decided to order more of your eye drops.

"Our Lhsas Apso is 9 years old and developed cataracts."

We took her to our regular vet who confirmed that it was cataracts but said it required a series of liver function tests. These tests cost approx £400, although our insurers, Tesco, paid. After the tests we were told we would be refered to a specialist vet for surgery. We decided to phone these specialists to find out the costs involved and were told that this was between £5,000 and £7,000, and included re-doing the tests again as they would not accept the first tests. We spoke to Tesco and they said we were only covered for £2,500, of which we had already spent £400. As we were unable to cover any difference we thought our pet would have to continue to suffer. She was unable to get down the stairs unaided and bumbed into garden pots and household furniture.

We then explored the internet and found Ethos Eye Drops. The cost of these were only a small percentage of surgery costs, but never the less we spoke to Tesco to see if they were covered and were told yes. We bought the first pack (2 bottles) and started to apply. Within 2 weeks we believed they were making a difference so bought another pack and continued the treatment. Slowly but surely we noticed a difference, with our dog coming straight downstairs 8 out of 10 times, and fewer accidents. At this point we claimed from Tesco, but were told they were not covered as the vet had not prescribed them. We told Tesco we had received the go ahead from them and after listening to the recorded call agreed. They said they would pay for any drops brought prior to that day. This covered us for 4 packs in total.

Time has moved on and the drops continue to make a difference. By the time we have finished the 4 packs we believe that although the cataracts will not have disappeared the dogs life will be massively improved without the expensive and risky surgery.

For any owner, finding themselves in our position, speak to your vet and if they prescribe the drops I'm sure Tesco, and other insurers, will pay out on insurance, but please check beforehand. We believe that these drops do work and we are learning all the time about how best to apply. When the 4 packs are completed we will monitor the eyes and consider more, if required.

Mary & Chanahhei - Middlesex

"after just seven weeks of using them the white film has cleared from her eyes"

I just had to write to thank you for your bright eye drops. My mother, Chanahhei, is 79 years old and has suffered with cataracts now for many years. The Doctors wanted her to go into hospital for surgery but I don't trust them and hospitals much after our previous experiences with them so she hadn't gone. Then a couple of months ago a good friend of mine told me about your eye drops and that they could help her without the need for surgery. This sounded too good to be true but I decided to get them for her as I feel anything is preferable to surgery and she is my mum and I'll do anything for her.

I started putting the drops into her eyes for her every day, once in the morning, once in the afternoon, and then again in the evening.

Already, after just seven weeks of using them the white film has cleared from her eyes and there is now just a very small patch left in the corners. She can now see my finger again which she couldn't before and everyday like clockwork she reminds me that it's time for her drops. Thank you so much for such a wonderful product and I am now telling everyone about them and how great they are.

Our very best wishes to you and your company.

As reported on in our Daily Mail Feature.

Mary & Chanahhei - Middlesex

"My mother had a cataract starting and it has cleared away... completely"

My testimonial on Bright-eyes.... my mother and I have used the drops for some 4/5 months with excellent results. My mother had a cataract starting and it has cleared away... completely. I use the computer for many hours a day and suffered from tired and sore eyes. I put 1 drop in each eye first thing in the morning and the result is that I can now work without any discomfort. If I've had a particularly gruelling day with a lot of driving in the dark I use another drop.... the results are immediate, they are impressive and they make my life much more comfortable.

If you suffer from sore or tired eyes, have a cataract starting or are of an age when a cataract is likely to start (+50) then I recommend Bright-Eyes. The drops are economical to use and they DO WORK. Try them!!

Roger Cooke - Wakefield

"writing a letter without needing her glasses..."

You'll remember me telling you about my wife Jill's and her writing a letter without needing her glasses. Well, here's a tip for other members which you may like to pass on to them.

In order for Ethos vital to have the best chance of success with your sight, don't wear your glasses out of habit when you first find you start needing them. Take them off again as soon as you've read that text, or whatever... otherwise will just be helping you to adapt to your new glasses.

All the best.

Godfrey - Gillamoor

My cat dribbles started suffering from cataracts 2 years ago and it really had worsened. My friend Louise told me about ethos heaven and how they had helped her dog, so I ordered dribbles 20ml of the Bright Eyes cataracts drops for pets and dribbles responded really well to the natural treatment. I'm so happy and so is dribbles

Becky wood - Bright eyes for pets UK

Bright Eyes Drops for Pets ??? IT WORKS!
My dog started to get cataracts over both eyes. The vet told us there was nothing that could be done until his eyes had fully crusted over. A few months down the line he was totally blind & we were told the operation would cost between 4 and 5 Thousand pounds.

This was an unafordable option & in desperation I started to search the internet for another solution. I found this product & decided to try it. I have not yet told the vets I am using it. The dog is on his 4th bottle & can see clearly in daylight & only has problems with steps in darker surroundings. The vets checked him last week & confirmed that the swelling behind his eyes had gone & they were clearing up. I am waiting for his eyes to get a bit better at night before I tell the vet what I am using on his eyes. This way they will hopefully recommend the drops knowing that they work. If I had heard of them before searching the internet then maybe my dog wouldn???t have had to go blind before I did something about it !

K. Davies, Mersyside, UK - 31.12.2011

Always read the label - Use only as directed - If symptoms persist see your healthcare professional.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or the Therapeutic Goods Regulations 1990.

These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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